Never Surrender Your Dream To Noisy Negatives

Nobody can ever make you feel average without your permission. Ingratitude and criticism are going to come; they are a part of the price for leaping past mediocrity.

Jesus himself, after healing the ten lepers, was only thanked by one of them. (Luke 17:11-19.) Instead of being surprised by ingratitude from others, we should learn to expect it.

If you move with God, you will be criticized. The only sure way to fend off criticism is to do nothing and be nothing. Those who do things inevitably stir up criticism.

The Bible offers this great promise concerning criticism: "The truth always outlives a lie" (Prov. 12:19).

We should never judge a person by what is said of him by his enemies. Often, criticism will present the best platform from which to proclaim the truth.

Most of the time people who are critical are either jealous or uninformed. They usually say things that have no impact whatsoever upon the truth. Pay no attention to negative criticism. Trust in the Lord and do good... (Ps. 37:3) knowing that in the end what you do in the Lord will be rewarded.

- John L Mason, from the book An Enemy Called Average (to find out more about this book, please go to

John L. Mason - EzineArticles Expert Author

About The Author:

John Mason is a national best-selling author, nationally recognized speaker and book coach. He has authored fourteen books including An Enemy Called Average, You