Ask Yourself this Question, "What Am I Really Aiming At?"

"One Thought Driven Home Is Better Than Three Left On Base." (Liter)

Ask yourself this question, "What am I really aiming at?" Delegate, simplify or eliminate low priorities as soon as possible. There are too many people in too many cars, in too much of a hurry, going too many directions, to get nowhere for nothing. Without focus, there is no peace.

We know that Walt Disney was successful. Maybe the key to his success if found in his confession, "I love Mickey Mouse more then any women I've ever known." Now that's focus!

What you set your heart on will determine how you will spend your life. If you chase two rabbits, both will escape. I believe you will find happiness when you are going somewhere wholeheartedly, in one direction without regret or reservation.

The more complicated you are , the more ineffective you will become. The quickest way to do many things is to do only one at a time. The only ones who will be remembered are those who have done one thing exceedingly well. Don't be like the man who said, "I'm focused, it's just on something else."

- John L Mason, from the book Know Your Limits - Then Ignore Them. (to find out more about this book, please go to

John L. Mason - EzineArticles Expert Author

About the Author:

John Mason is a national best-selling author, nationally recognized speaker and book coach. He has authored fourteen books including An Enemy Called Average, You