Commercial Real Estate Prospects in India

Commercial real estate in India has picked up real fast over the last 5 years and has transformed the Indian architecture in a major way.

Commercial Real Estate India as a trend setter

1. A population of 1.1 billion and a workforce of 496.4 million serve a great potential for real estate investors in India. The talent pool of intellectual capital and cost effectiveness gives India a competitive edge in the real estate scene.

2. A growth rate of 30% and a 30% average rate of returns look lucrative for future prospects in the realty sector.

3. Latest research data estimates increase in revenue generation from $14 billion to $102 billion over the next 10 years. For NRIs investing in real estate India. the return has been more than profitable. They feel India in this regard has not even tapped 20% of market.

4. Moreover with the relaxation of FDI rules and tax incentives for NRI s the Government has sure encouraged in increasing foreign capital. Global investors investing in real estate India can certainly look for a 25% ROI!

The peaks of commercial real estate in India