Sumerian 6 Sign Zodiac and Mayan Calendar 360-Day-Tun-Years

The Antediluvian Calendar in Genesis 5 establishes original counting techniques that carry forward to variations of Jewish and Mesoamerican calendar systems. Significant 364-day-Ethiopic-years and the matching corollary term, 364-year-Ethiopic-cycles manifest similar traits. Mayan 52-year Calendar Rounds and Judaic 50-year Jubilee Cycles have nearly identical properties regarding the 360-day midpoint length of year. Discernable differences arise from how the calendars marked four special days in the old year. New Year beginnings and the annual tally within each cycle are a direct result. Many Mesoamerican Calendar variations exist to suggest no firm rules ever did apply. Middle Eastern influences controlling religious Judaism were contributing factors as well. An ancient Babylonian tradition recites the Creation epic on the fourth day of the New Year