Let The Skin Proceed When The Hair Recedes - In Search Of The Perfect Head Shave Part I

What prevents most people from getting as close to perfect as possible? Routine may be the barrier to perfection. Progress becomes a problem when we conclude that there is only one way to attain a goal.

Head shaving, like other human ventures consists of multiple techniques, subjective hints and scientific facts. For this reason, what works for one head shaver, may not work for another. Understand that head shaving is relative.

It is an art that is crafted towards a head shaver's personal goals. Also, keep in mind that a head shave is different from a facial shave. Your scalp is more sensitive and less weathered than your face.

HEAD SHAVE PREP - To get the best shave possible, heat and hydration must be included in your routine. Turn the heat up and turn on the faucet! Make sure the room you shave in is warm, the razor you shave with is warm, the gel, cream and/or oil you use is warm, the towel you use is warm and your body core temperature is warm. Heat brings blood and natural oils to the surface of your skin. Water relaxes your hair and prepares your skin for the shave, allowing for a better overall shave. Prior to the head shave, fill your shaving cap or mug with warm water and place your razor in it (a heating device such as a crock pot works well also). This allows the transfer of heat from the water to your blade. Keep your strokes short. The build up of cream, oil, water and dirt will make your razor drag instead of "skating" across your head. Dragging will force you to press down on your razor, causing irritation and unsightly bumps on your scalp. If you have sensitive skin you may want apply a pre-shave condiment to prepare your skin and hair. Exfoliating prior to the shave is also strongly suggested

APPLYING THE SHAVING CONDIMENT - Apply your shaving gel or cream with a good shaving brush. Your hands are to big and gawky to get the condiment in between the hairs of your head. The brush also does an excellent job of lifting the hairs on your scalp.

THE HEAD SHAVE - It essential that you use a sharp shaving utensil to shave your head. Dull razors "bother" the skin of your scalp. It is generally accepted that you shave with the grain of hair on your head. [editor's note: I always shave against the grain of hair on my head. My skin is resistent; nothing causes it to break-out. Test different techniques to see what works for you.] Minimize the number of times you the razors passes over you skin. This can be done by counting the number of strokes it takes for you to shave your head. Fifty strokes or less is ideal. Using a multi-blade razor is perfect for reducing your stroke quantity.

AFTER THE HEAD SHAVE - When you have completed shaving your head, rinse with cool water. Think of the pores in your skin as doors. Dirt, bacteria oil and other irritants are waiting to invade your skin. Up to this point everything you have done in your head shaving routine has opened your pores. This was required to cut as close to the root of your hair as possible. Now it's time to shut the pore doors. Rinsing your head in warm water keeps the pores wide open. Cool water cause your skin to react by closing your pores.

Begin rinsing with warm water, gradually decreasing the temperature to about 50 degrees. If you have received any cuts or nicks, seal them with a good astrigent. Avoid anything that contains alcohol or any other skin drying agents, immediately after the shave. Lastly, apply a "non-greasy, clear moisturizer to the scalp. Some head shavers rub a small amount of vitamin E oil onto their scalps to maintain a healthy glow.

Keep your options as open as your pores and the head shaving routine that suites you best will certainly appear.

Curtis T. Bickham Founder/Owner Head-Liner.com