Vasectomy - Is it the Right Choice for You?

What do you do when you feel that your family is complete? This is a decision most couples eventually make. What steps should they take to avoid an unplanned pregnancy in the future? If they are really sure that they want no more children, then it is reasonable to choose a permanent solution to this possibility.

The usual solution is that of sterilization of either the male or female. Obviously, because of the permanent nature of sterilization, it is not a decision to be taken lightly and should only be made after much discussion between the partners and their doctor. Both partners need to be absolutely certain that there is no possibility that they will want children in the future.

The male sterilization process is called vasectomy and is the equivalent to tubal ligation in the female. It is considered to be one of the most reliable methods of birth control and requires only minor surgery. The downside is that it is almost always irreversible.

Tubal ligation, the female equivalent to vasectomy, is a process where the fallopian tubes are either cut or sealed off so that the eggs cannot reach the womb, thus preventing pregnancy. This, too, is intended to result in permanent inability to become pregnant and should therefore be carefully considered before going ahead.

Generally speaking, men will normally only consider a vasectomy when they have already fathered children and feel that their family is complete. Often, this doesn