Six Principles Required To Master Pilates

Pilates is a system that was developed by Joseph Pilates.

Pilates Principles

Are not a collection, but also a method developed over eighty years or more. Lots of elements, from yoga to acrobatics are brought together to form the method known as Pilates.

There are six pilates principles. These are : Centering, Precision, Control, Concentration, Flowing Movement and Breathing. Pilates uses mind over matter as its central element. This allows the person practicing pilates to use their body to the greatest advantage.

Centering: Known as the large group of muscles in our center. Pilates exercises begin here and flow outwards.

Precision: The main focus is on doing one precise and perfect movement so that it becomes natural.

Control: This is referring to muscle control, from larger limbs down to finger positioning.

Concentration: This is about concentrating on your entire body until complex movements eventually become second nature.

Flowing Movement: Grace of motion over speed. None of the exercises are static. This is key to posture and suppleness.

Breathing: In order to charge our bodies with oxygen. This awakens our body and prevents fatigue. Again, control is emphasised in breathing, both inhalation and exhalation. It should be well co-ordinated with body movement. Each pilates exercise is accompanied with instructions on how to breathe.

Article by John Glover of ( Pilates Information Resource )