Indoor Tanning Beds Can Be Healthy, If Used Properly

Tanning beds often get a bad rap. Many people claim that they are bad for your skin and they increase your chances of developing skin cancer. In some cases this is true. However, if used properly tanning beds can actually be healthy.

Most experts agree that the most damage is done to your skin from UV rays when you get sun burnt. Many people have their skin covered all winter and then when summer comes they head outdoors to try to get a tan and end up getting burnt. This is especially true for people with fair skin or those who have simply lost their tan from not being in the sun all winter. Getting sun burnt greatly increases you chances of developing skin cancer.

This is where tanning beds can actually be good for your skin. If you use tanning beds properly to gradually develop you tan and do not over expose yourself you can avoid sunburn and the dangers that come with it.

You should always use indoor tanning beds in moderation and with caution. Start slowly and gradually increase your time to as you go. As you develop a base tan you can then increase your tanning time and get the tan you desire. Establishing a base tan with tanning beds is a healthy way to avoid getting sun burnt when you do go outdoors.

If you are planning a vacation to a warm climate where you know you will be exposed to the sun often, you should always try to establish a base tan beforehand. You should also use sun block to further reduce your chances of getting sun burn.

Tanning beds can be dangerous if you use then irresponsibly. Do not use then for more time then is needed and never use them more than once in any 48 hour period. You should always error on the side of caution when first starting out and gradually increase you tanning time. This will insure that you develop a safe base tan.

Follow these tips and you will greatly reduce your chances of getting skin cancer and lessen the effects of UV rays on your skin.

For more tips on tanning beds visit: Discount Tanning Beds