How To Diagnose & Cure Bad Breath

Bad breath is a term used to describe particularly unpleasant odours when breathing. The medical term for it is halitosis, which was 'coined' by Listerine in the early 20th century.

There are different types of bad breath with varying levels of severity.

Transient bad breath is a temporary condition which can typically be caused by eating foods such as garlic. It can also be caused by things like stress.

Chronic bad breath is a more serious condition affecting up to a quarter of the population. It is typically caused by an overpopulation of mouth bacteria and requires treatment to remedy.

Causes Of Bad Breath

There are over 400 different types of bacteria. Large amounts of these bacteria if left undisturbed can flourish on the tongue. This combination of bacteria, food and dead cells can cause bad breath as they respire and yield an odour. Other causes include things such as gum disease, intestinal infections and hormone changes.

How To Test For Bad Breath

The easiest way is to lick the back of your wrist , allow your saliva to dry and then smell the result. This may not sound pleasant, but it's an effective way to 'self test'

Another way would be to scrape your tongue with a piece of dental floss, allow the residue to dry and again, smell the result.

Treatment For This Condition.

Commonly available treatments like mouthwash and lozenges only really provide temporary relief. Bad breath may be temporarily reduced by using a hydrogen peroxide rinse at a concentration of 1.5%. The most effective remedies are available as premium products on the internet. Subscribe to our newsletter for more information on effective remedies and products.

Article by Roger Millfield of ( The fresh breath information resource )