Business Customs and Protocol in Brazil

Brazilians seek long term relationships. Though profits are very important, it is almost always a secondary issue after personal relationships. A foreign company which enters the Brazilian market with such intentions, and which always stresses that they are there to establish long-lasting relations, has tremendous competitive advantage.

Brazilians have a very strong culture of importing and exporting. Over time, they have developed a sense that there is a whole world out there, which they are willing to reach through both imports and exports. The idea of taking and giving is very strong.

Business Meetings

In a meeting, shake hands with and greet each person individually; never walk in and acknowledge everyone all at once. If you know the order of status then shake hands from highest to lowest.

Always be on time for an appointment but expect to wait. They're always 10-15 minutes late. Be patient with business-related delays. Expect many interruptions [during meetings], especially at the higher levels.

They are very interested in physical contact. In a meeting they might touch your arm or pat you on the back. You don't have to initiate physical contact but be aware that it might happen.

Business Protocol

You might be invited to a meal in a business contact's home. Dinner time is from 7:00 - 9:00 PM.

Don't bring anything with you [to a dinner in a home]. Instead, send flowers afterward as a thank you. Be careful not to send purple flowers, or anything purple because it's considered a death omen.

Don't give personal gifts such as ties or perfume. These are seen as too personal for business entertainment gifts.

If you have a business dinner at a restaurant, the service charge added to the meal cost. However, it is customary to give another 5% to the waiter. Taxi drivers are also tipped 10%.

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