How to Make the Best Exercise Bike Choice

If you're looking for an exercise machine that will give you a good cardio workout without stressing your joints, then maybe an exercise bike is just what you need. Treadmills are still the most popular exercise machine out there, but not everyone can use a treadmill safely, because of the high impact exercise that it asks you to do. If you have very sensitive joints for any reason, you'll have to try a different means of getting a daily workout.

Elliptical trainers can work well for this purpose, but an exercise bike is also a very fine choice. A lot of people seem to gravitate to exercise bikes, probably because they are familiar with the overall design. And everyone knows that riding a bicycle is good exercise, so it only makes sense that if you can perform the same motions indoors you should be able to get similar health benefits.

So what should you look for when you are shopping for exercise bikes? The first thing to decide is whether you wish to have an upright bike or a recumbent bike. The upright exercise bike looks very similar to a real bicycle, with handlebars, a seat, and pedals underneath. The recumbent exercise bike on the other hand, can be a sort of strange looking contraption, that you actually lay in and pedal with your feet straight out in front of you. Most fitness experts seem to agree that either type of exercise bike will work well for you, it just depends on your personal preference and comfort level as to which bike you should buy. For instance, those with chronic back problems may find the recumbent exercise bike much easier to work with.

When looking over the exercise bike candidates, the same general rule of thumb applies here as it does in other exercise machines. You generally get what you pay for. In other words, most of the really cheap exercise bikes will not hold up well over the long haul. So expect to pay at least $600 to $1000 for a good piece of equipment, and $1500 or more for a really heavy-duty gym quality machine.

It's always a good idea to try out any exercise bike model that interests you in advance in person. See how comfortable it is for you to use as you exercise. Does this seat fit you as it should? Can you adjust the seat level to give you a comfortable travel distance to the pedals?

Other considerations include whether or not that particular model has a heart rate monitor. This is a good piece of equipment to have for almost any exercise machine that you want to use. In fact, some machines are even coming with interactive heart rate monitors that keep an eye on your heart rate level and adjust your workout automatically to help you burn the most calories per session. If you can get an exercise bike with this feature, it can be well worth it.

Also make sure that the display on each model gives you the information that you would really like to have as you workout. Does it keep track of the time that you have been on the machine? Does it show the calories you have burned? Does it display your heart rate level? Does it allow you to adjust the resistance of the machine as you workout?

As you test out each machine, take notes on each model, both its strengths and its weaknesses, and then compile the information after you have looked at a good representation of all exercise bike models available. By keeping the suggestions listed above in mind and doing your homework you should be able to make the best exercise bike choice possible for your needs.

Thad Pickering writes on many consumer related topics including fitness. You can find exercise bike ratings and the best exercise bike by visiting our Home Fitness website.