A Decline In Intellectual Function

A decline in intellectual function, a common type of dementia, a progressive mental deterioration and memory thoughts are impaired. In the United States, there are currently more than four million, who suffer from this disease. It lies and waits for the aged, claiming ten percent over the age of sixty-five and fifty percent over the age of eighty-five; killing 100,000 per year. Even though this disease primarily lies and waits on the aged, a more progressive form attacks between the ages of thirty-six and forty-five.

The symptoms of the disease are the lack of ability to function socially, perceptions of time and space is lost, depression, mood swings, and memory loss health deteriorates until the individual is totally incapacitated.

Sometimes an individual forgets where he placed his car keys and wonder if this is a type of dementia. No, it is not; we all forget where we placed our keys sometimes, but if an individual forgets, he owns a car this may be a sign.

I am speaking of none other than Alzheimer