Boston Terrier: The Standard and Does it Matter?

To compete with your Boston Terrier you will need to understand the requirements and procedures used for judging. The American Kennel Club releases breed standards for each breed of dog and the Boston Terriers specifications can be found here. You can also check more specialized clubs for the information about required standards for your Boston Terrier. The American Kennel club is currently revising these standards.

If you want your Boston Terrier to take part in dog shows then you will need to understand the standards and how they relate to your dog. If you already own or are thinking about owning a Boston Terrier and would like to compete (or show off your dog) here's a guide to understanding breed specifications.

It's important to note that these are descriptions of ideal Boston Terriers.

Competition ranking systems: Dogs are judged out of a total 100 score. When judging Boston Terriers this score comprises the following elements:

- General Appearance

- Size, Proportion, Substance

- Head - skull shape, characteristics of eyes, ears, muzzle, jaw shape.

- Neck, Topline and Body

- Forequarters

- Gait

- Coat

- Temperament

- Faults in the breed: can lead to instant disqualification

General Appearance

Boston Terriers are intelligent dogs. General appearance needs to be well-balanced; this means all limbs are in proportion. Boston Terriers have a smooth coat which is generally brindle, seal or black. The dog must have even white markings. The body is short and the limbs are strong. The tail is short.

Size, Proportion, Substance

This refers to your dog