Baby Signs - Truth or Fiction?

Babies learn our language in a very different and perhaps progressive manner. Initially, they hear sounds and form them into patterns. They might even notice different syllables. They also have an innate perception for tone, which can convey and show feeling and emotion of the speaker. But the ability to communicate simply is not there yet. A high pitch voice can cause a baby to smile simply because of the tone. All babies learn and understand language prior to their ability to articulate exact phrasing of words. They can often learn to convey simple thoughts, such as "more", "change" and "eat".

The main point is the bridge the gap between the ability to communicate and the ability to be understood. Luckily, there's a way to do this. It is known as "baby signs". Baby signs can be very effective in the reinforcement in the development of a baby's language skills. As parents, we can assist in this development and lowers the frustration level of a baby.

The theory behind baby signs is to assign a common but consistent gesture to a word. The more common word can be "eat", "more", "potty" etc. Perhaps it could be pointing to your mouth. The point is to have the baby associate the gesture with the meaning of the word. Some common points are to speak to the baby directly, making good eye contact and do the gesture at the same time. You can begin doing this as to the baby as young as 2-3 months. If so, they by the time the baby are 10-12 months, they can communicate with you using baby signs.

The earlier your baby starts learning signs, the earlier they will start using them. It's all about the connection that the baby makes in their brain with ideas and signs. This connection has been proven to give them a head start in the world of verbal communication. Which will lead to speech as soon as possible. The most important point is that it reduces the baby's frustration level with their ability to communicate with you.

Some opponent of this theory says that babies using baby signs might not effective with their speech. However, studies and my personal experience have proved otherwise entirely. The connection between thoughts and word are form earlier, which lends itself to a higher, and a more satisfying form with existence.

Even though baby signs are a relatively new concept, it is very effective with new babies and how they can talk to their parents. Everyone in his or her family raves about the increased comfort level with the baby.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in babies and toddler foundations. For more information regarding baby super store, please drop by at