Equipping The Bowflex Home Gym

The Bowflex fitness machine takes care of most exercise, strength training and overall fitness training. It replaces most of the gym equipment found at the local gyms today and makes it easier to get an almost total workout using only one machine. You can perform a fitness routine on a Bowflex at home just as if you were at the local gym and using all of the gym equipment there.

Still, there are a few pieces of fitness equipment that you may need in your home-based gym to supplement the workout you get from your Bowflex.

Health care professionals almost always say that walking an hour a day, combined with eating a healthy diet, is one of the best things a person can do for cardiovascular or heart health. A treadmill is helps with cardio fitness and compliments a Bowflex fitness machine if walking outside is not an option. Treadmills come in many different styles, but a simple treadmill can be used effectively with your regular Bowflex workouts and fitness routines.

Other Possible Items for Your Home Gym

Upright, stationary bikes are smaller pieces of gym equipment that take up much less room in a workout area than a treadmill. This is a great choice if your space is limited. Upright bikes are often used in place of treadmills for the cardiovascular fitness routines that are needed for a well-balanced workout.

Medicine balls help with endurance and joint integrity that may hinder and stop a full and complete workout on a Bowflex. Medicine balls are not really considered a necessity for the home gym setup, but in the long run they are very useful. They help with arthritis and other signs of aging.

Hand grippers are a handy little piece of gym equipment that works on improving hand strength while toning and building bigger forearms. They can help prevent any accidents on a Bowflex due to a weak grip.

Fitness balls help tone and shape the muscles that help make a body more flexible. Aerobic exercise equipment such as fitness bands and cords also help with flexibility and give the consumer a great alternative to using weights. They can also help intensify the muscle building exercises on the Bowflex.

A balance disc helps with core body development and training with balance. The balance disc can be adjusted by deflating it or giving it more air for a customized work out.

Most of the Bowflex fitness machines do not come with all the proper cardiovascular or fitness workout attachments to get a complete, well-rounded workout and fitness routine. They do cover almost all of the gym equipment that would be used for strength training and circuit training for muscle building and toning of the legs, arms, chest and abdominals.

The Bowflex fitness machine should not be the only piece of exercise equipment in the home, if there is room in the workout area. It lacks the cardiovascular aspect of a total workout that a well-rounded fitness routine needs. At the least, a treadmill or stationary bike should definitely accompany the Bowflex in your home gym.

Robert Henry is a successful Webmaster and publisher of justfitnessgym.com. He provides more fitness exercise articles and information on bowflex equipment that you can research at the above site.