A Pacific A Cappella

The page was empty when it came to me
But with white spaces in white spaces

And I felt the need to touch the page
With shape to shapes and hue to hues

Or was I - I am not really sure
Nothing is sure - but it had been touched

With grays and greens of cubes and spheres
Or greens and purples of cubes and spheres

Or purples and reds of cubes and spheres
No! - reds and yellows of cubes and spheres

The colors drifted vividly to the entire page
So vivid that it radiated and touched me

And I thought - I was there
But I was here inside the page

Ravished by the play of no empty spaces
No! - maybe I thought I was here

But I was there inside the page
Ravished by the play of no empty spaces

NOTE: Kindly send honest comments to vjagunap@yahoo.com

About the Author: Vernan Jagunap, an admirer of fine arts and literature since childhod had been mastering the art of writing fictions since year 2000. He is living in Leganes, Iloilo, Philippines where he is trying to write his first novel.

Source: www.isnare.com