Wild Birds-- What do they prefer at their feeding station?

Each and every wild bird has their own favorite meals, but the popular sunflower seeds are known to be the favorite among seed-eater birds. This is important information for bird enthusiasts who may want to attract a variety of wild birds to their backyard feeders. This information also explains why sunflower seed is the major ingredient in wild bird seed mixes. There is a wide variety of wild bird seed mixes to choose from for bird feeding, but most mixes are not a favorite among wild birds. There are three main tips for purchasing wild bird seed. The first tip would be to check the label. Smart shoppers usually check the label when they buying food for their families these days. Labels should also be checked when buying seed mixes as well. If you want to attract a variety of wild birds to your feeders, stay away from wild bird mixes that contain oats, cereals and/or "mixed grains." Most wild birds dislike these ingredients. Another tip is to avoid fillers such as the mixed grains. Some bird seed mixes contain