Yes, Diabetes is Curable - And Shouldn't This Be Front Page News?

Diabetes in its modern epidemic form is a curable disease and has been for the last 40 years. However, in America your physician will almost never tell you that this is so. Matter of fact he may become upset that you would even suggest such a thing. His training, funded by drug companies, and the AMA and other health industries only allows for the word treatment, never cure. Not a lot of money in curing something you can otherwise treat for a lifetime.

Your physician will never tell you that at one time strokes, heart failure, coronary disease, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, impotence, liver failure, and dozens of other disorders were once well understood to be symptoms of diabetes. But, if you continue with traditional methods of treatment eventually you will experience one or more of these symptoms as your diabetes worsens. What this means is if you have diabetes and are receiving traditional treatment, your diabetes will cause other medical conditions. These other medical conditions are nothing more than symptoms of diabetes, but the doctors will treat each of these as independent medical conditions with more treatments, more drugs, and more expensive medical procedures