Acne Treatment

Acne is a very frequent inflammatory skin disease at all ages. Even though it is more common during puberty and usually decreases during the early twenties, it is not unusual for a person in his late thirties or forties to still have it. Fortunately, almost any acne case can be treated. The key for treating and preventing acne problems is following a few basic guidelines. You have to keep in mind that resolution takes time, what works for someone else may not work for you and in some cases you might need a dermatologist.

What Works For Someone Else May Not Work For You

Most people forget the simple truth that everyones skin is different.

If one of your friends recommends you an acne treatment that has done wonders on him, don't expect it to have the exact same effects on you. You need to follow a treatment that fits your skin type. There are also several types of acne, each requiring a different treatment. The choice you make should be based on your skin type, the causes of the acne problems and the lesions you have at the moment.

Resolution Takes Time

The resolution of your skin condition does take time. Don't get fooled by medications that claim miraculous, overnight results. Generally, the first effects can be noticed after 6 to 8 weeks. After you have achieved some results, you need to continue treatment to prevent acne from reappearing. If you don't notice anything different after 8 weeks, the treatment probably needs some adjustments. This is where it can be very beneficial to look to our next point...

You Might Need a Dermatologist

Given the fact that there are many factors that may lead to acne problems, deciding which treatment would work best for you is sometimes a tough call. There's a wide range of acne treatment products available on the market nowadays and if you don't choose wisely, you might even get the opposite of what you had expected. This is why it is sometimes best to seek professional help.

Dermatologists have the necessary knowledge to examine your skin type and what sort of acne you suffer from. Before prescribing a treatment, they take many things into account, such as how severe the problem is, the type of lesions you have, as well as your age, lifestyle, motivation and skin type. Based on these factors they create an individualized acne treatment to fit your specific characteristics.

This is the most effective form of treatment because it takes into account the obvious differences in your skin and caters specifically for your skins needs and complexities.

A dermatologist often combines several acne treatments, asking you to use one medication in the morning and another in the evening. However, it's not safe to do this on your own, because there are several side effects that might make matters worse.

As any other health problem, it is easier to cure if treated earlier. This way you will get better and faster results. An early acne treatment is also helpful for preventing scars that sometimes remain from pimples. As always, it is much easier to prevent than treat, so it's best to take care of your skin even before suffering from any acne problem.

This can be done by maintaining a consistent and healthy hygiene routine in the morning and evenings. This should consist of cleansing the skin daily with good products (avoid soaps for your face) and exfoliating 2 or 3 times a week.

Moira Jones is an acne treatment experts and operates several blogs discussing the management, prevention and treatment of many forms of acne. For more information please see