Perfect Love: An Invitation - Poem


When that which is perfect is come
Then that which is in part
Shall be done away with
The fullness of love
Once it is found
Overwhelms and increasingly abounds
Bringing indescribable joy
Pleasures full of glory
As God above
Rewrites your love story

Filled to overflowing
With innumerable blessings
Immeasurable expressions
A love that cannot be contained
Certainly such a feeling
None can adequately explain
Neither can intellects disdain.
Such a love
Which surpasses knowledge
And is full of surprises
With the power of the resurrection
It continually and mightily arises
Suddenly showing itself
Like the Spirit from above
Moving gently like a dove
Then appearing as unquenchable fire
Filling with uncontrollable desire

Such a feeling arises
When I