Top Tips for Candida Cleansing Procedures

The Candida parasites can affect various parts of the body like the intestine, the colon, the skin, the liver, the mouth, the genitalia, the hands and more.

Intestinal cleansing

Intestinal cleansing is very valuable especially for those suffering from intestinal fungal and yeast overgrowth, pathogenic bacteria or parasites. The main objective of cleansing the intestine is to remove the debris, putrefied food and feces as well as the solidified mucus. The removal of the impurities or debris found on the intestine will help expose the yeast, the bacteria and the parasites thus making it possible for treatments to finally kill and eliminate them. The lemonade diet is ideal for cleaning the intestines, however lemonades are high in raw sugar that may be dangerous for diabetics and hypoglycemics.

How to go about the lemonade diet?

The ingredients are eight lemons (or five lemons and five limes), enough to make a pint of juice. For sweetness, an ounce of sugar-free maple syrup is the ideal addition. However, refrain from purchasing sugar-free brands that contain Sorbitol since it causes diarrhea.

Then add about three pints of water in order to make one-half gallon of lemonade. You may also add a few sprinkles of cayenne pepper. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of lemonade a day to help flush out the debris in your intestines.

Liver, Gallbladder and Kidney Cleansing

Cleansing the liver of gallstones is a great help in improving digestion, which affects the health of the entire body. Plus, allergies also disappear especially when the liver is regularly cleansed. Likewise, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm and upper back pains, increases energy and provides a sense of health.

For the gallbladder there is a gallbladder flush of olive oil and grapefruit juice that is very effective in flushing out gallstones. The process calls for fasting at bedtime. Mix a half-cup (or more) of olive oil about 4 to 6 ounces with equal amount of grapefruit juice -- gulp it down and then go to bed. Lay on your right side with your right knee tucked up as far as you can.

The purpose of this is to get the olive oil to flow up the common bile duct into the liver and then to the gallbladder, releasing the gallstones that are stuck there. If the liver and gallbladder are jam-packed with gallstones the olive oil will flush them out the next morning. So don