Google News Announces Orion

The latest Google news is the acquisition of Orion, a new search engine, which Google purchased recently from a Ph.D student from the University of Wales. This search engine will not only search for a keyword, it will also offer suggestions of variations on the keyword in an attempt to offer the most information available on any topic. This has not been done before.

Google news reports that other search engine companies are wishing to implement this new software and will be bidding on it for exclusive rights. But is seems for right now that Google is the proud owner of Orion.

Orion, according to Google news, will also offer a short paragraph about the top websites that contain the keyword one is searching for so that the person can look quickly at the site without having to visit it. This will make searching for keywords much faster and easier. This is good news for Google who is already the leading search engine on the Internet. By having technology to make searches even faster, Google news will be even more popular than ever.

Webmasters will have to embed more keywords that pertain to the web site and try to add more variations on these keywords to make their sites more popular. This means more work for those who specialize in SEO writing.

In order to be a popular site on the web, webmasters will have to anticipate what people are searching for and make sure their sites are suggested by Google news. Maintaining a popular web site will become more difficult because everyone will be trying to be the top web site on the Internet. Google news reports that the new technology will be available soon.

Being able to conduct searches more effectively will help researchers and those who enjoy surfing the web. Search engines, like Orion, will make it possible for people to visit fewer sites when looking for a particular keyword. This will allow them to search for more keywords at one time. Google news will keep people informed as to when this new search engine will be available.

The program is still in its infancy right now, but when it is able to be used by the general public, Google news will be the first to share this exciting news. Students, researchers, and others who use the computer to conduct search will be very pleased with this new technology which will make searching the Internet much easier.

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