30 Day Journals

Whether you journal or diary now, or have never kept a journal, you can keep a 30 day journal. Journaling for 30 days about one specific topic, can support you in many ways. Recording your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and desires, even recording just-the-facts, for 30 days is a powerful tool. You can track your ideas and experiences, realizing both your joys and your fears about a single topic. You can use this 30 day system for most topics, and throughout your journaling.

Think about what is happening in your life right now. Then think about a topic you would like to track or record on a daily basis: Your diet, finances, a relationship, a new experience, your job, a dream you've always had, a change you want to make.

Getting started

Decide if you want to use the computer, a blank book, a notebook, or sheets of paper for your journal. If you are writing, pick a pencil or pen that is easy to use and is comfortable for you. Set aside a time and place every day for your journaling. Make this your time for you.

You may or may not want to date your journal. You can even include the time of day when you journal, especially if you are journaling about feelings, health or diet. The time of day can affect our outlook. For example, at certain times of the day we may have more energy or be more tired.

Write as much or as little as you want. Some days you may have more to write about than other days. There is no set amount you need to write each day. Slow down as you begin to write and feel what your thoughts are on that day about your topic. It may help to close your eyes, calm your thoughts, and remember to breathe easily.

As you begin your journal, write what the topic is that you have picked, i.e., I want to better understand my relationship with my friend Betty, or I want to process my feelings about the passing of my parents, or I want to know where every penny I spend goes.

Next state your goal about the topic, and then how you, at this point in time, plan to resolve getting to your goal.

Example - My Goal - I want to understand who Betty is. My Resolution - I will write a list of my likes and dislikes.

Example - My Goal - To feel my current feeling about my parents. My Resolution - I am going to write my memories about them.

Example - My Goal - To better understand what I spend money on. My Resolution - I will record every expense amount, what it was for, and the day I spent it.

Every day, write 3 words that best describe how you feel about your topic that day.
Good, moving, curious
Angry, confused, frustrated

Every 5 days, confirm if your topic, goal, and resolution need changing, and if so, change them.

Every 10 days, re-read your journaling and write a summary of how you feel about the last 10 days of writing.

After 30 days

Decide if you want to keep your journal, or dispose of it in a safe way.

You may find that you have reached your goal and resolved your topic before the end of 30 days. If so, stop journaling. Or, you may find that you want to explore this topic further, so start another 30 day journal. There is no set amount of time, 30 days is a guideline. Your time for a particular topic may be 10 days, 45 days, 90 days, etc. If you journal several topics, each topic can vary in the number of days. Journal until you feel complete and supported.

Copyright Doreene Clement All Rights Reserved

About the Author: Doreene Clement, a cancer victor and author of The 5 Year Journal, is currently writing a new book, Blessed, about her life and her cancer experience. For more information www.the5yearjournal.com 480.423.8095 Copyright 2005 OMDC, LLC All Rights Reserved Feel free to pass this along to your friends. About Journaling, www.the5yearjournal.com

Source: www.isnare.com