Press Here To Make The News

Freelance writers are often asked to write press releases. Press release writing is a key skill which allows writers to publicize their own services or promote someone else's. Here's what writers need to know about writing press releases.

What is a press release?

A press release is essentially a news story written to interest a specific publication or audience. It consists of three main parts: the headline, the introduction and the body. There may also be a note to editors at the end of the story which contains extra information for those not familiar with your organisation or product.

As with a news story, the lead is crucial. It should answer the who, what, where, when and why questions, right from the start. The press release should sound like a news story, with short sentences and paragraphs. Your story needs a clear angle, and no loose ends.

How do I decide what to put in a press release?

News is essentially about people, so writers should stress the people aspect of the story.

Four other techniques writers can use are:

A successful press release should be: