Case Study: PoconoCommuter: Riding Frustration to Success

Born of Frustration

Did you know that the Poconos are a suburb of New York City? Few people do. But, there are thousands of commuters who sacrifice a three-hour round trip to blend the salaries of Manhattan with the actual houses on multiple acres of land in Pennsylvania. It is a tough life, and one commuter decided to speak his mind. started as a way for Wayne Meyers, the website's founder, to vent his frustration at what had become a brutal lifestyle. He spent more than ninety minutes going to work each day, and the same amount of time on the bus home. What Meyers did not realize was that he was not alone. In fact, frustrated residents of Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Long Island decided to work for their weekends by accepting long commutes in trade for lavish but affordable homes.

Meyers' website started as a simply coded, flat website featuring little other than his observations on the daily grind to Manhattan and a message board for his fellow commuters. It grew into a "must see" for the masses who shared his frustration, and the traffic on the message board grew. has grown into the lives of its visitors, even leading to biannual picnics among its readers!

How Started

Commuters in any major city are intimately familiar with the agony of sitting in traffic jams, moving in inches per hour, and wondering if the gridlock will ever break. You will hear the same stories from people in Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and elsewhere. The problem is becoming universal. The Boston Globe noted that the class of "extreme commuters"