Teaching Homekeeping

Are your children tired of the same old chores in your house? It can be tough enough to motivate a child to do chores, but if they are stuck with the same jobs day in and day out - you can bet you have a battle on your hands.

Yes, children should help out around the house. It teaches them household skills and gives them pride. As a parent, you can help your child stretch their learning and be more motivated by varying their responsibilities from time to time.

You can implement a "chore jar". Write the names of different jobs and responsibilities on them. The next time you hear your child complain,(or maybe you just want to help them refresh their duties a little), have them draw a slip of paper out of the chore jar. Whatever task is listed on that paper, that is the chore they need to accomplish.

A lot of chores tend to be gender-oriented. Boys usually end up mowingyards and girls learn kitchen duties. Maybe once a month, or even once a week, you can implement a "switcharoo day". On this day girls do "men stuff" such as mowing the yard, changing oil on the car, hammering, touching up paint, etc. while boys do "women's stuff. The boys can help cook, tend to flowers, write thank-you notes, fold laundry, sew, etc.

All of these skills are very valuable to ALL people. I bet you will find your child's interests expanding and a more congenial personality develop when they are allowed to explore and learn ALL aspects of home keeping.

Dionna Sanchez - EzineArticles Expert Author

Dionna Sanchez gives moms practical ideas to use in their home life at Emphasis On Moms: http://www.EmphasisOnMoms.com/