AIDS in Washington DC is Too High; Lance Rants

AIDS is ramped in Washington DC due to the gay bar scene. In fact many Senator and Congressman Staffers are gay and many of our elected officials are closet Bi-sexuals with interns and staffers. In fact they take this home and give it to their wives. Some homosexuals in Washington DC are purposely spreading AIDS to policy makers in order to get more Government Funding for AIDS which should go to cancer research and other important things. It is amazing the hypocrisy of it all.

But Washington DC has been bending over its citizens for too long and it is rather fitting that these politicians are now bending over and taking it like men. To hell with all the scoundrels in Washington DC as well as their abuse of power, lobbyist tricks and primate Machiavellian guerrilla politics without regard for any sense of Integrity. Why is it that our leadership forgets that we are the government and they are to serve not steal; big difference you know? Consider this in 2006.

Some folks have said that maybe AIDS is the best way to get them out of there? Who knows; Too harsh; Yah so what? they don't respect us, why shouldn't we make bad jokes about them; Too over the top? Deal with it, you scoundrels. After all this is another one of Lance