The ADHD Child and The Great Distraction Myth

One of the great myths of working with the ADHD child (and anyone with ADHD symptoms for that matter) today is: "Take away all extra distraction and stimulus so the ADHD child can focus." This is just not true, and I will show you why.

There was an ADHD child I was working with...his mother worked in a fitness gym, and I had an office there. At my office, I would see this ADHD child to try to help with his ADHD symptoms.

His mother was often really frustrated. Whenever she was trying to close up the fitness center to go home at night, her ADHD child was running all over the place...he wasn't listening to anything she said...making a mess...taking all the exercise cushions and scattering them...basically tearing the place apart. She was trying to clean up and go home for the night, and she was at her wit