Content Generation for the new search engine and searcher

When i first entered the arena of search engine optimization a few years ago i soon found out that backlinks were they key to sucess and i made the most of backlinks by being a slave to the search engines by linking my site in every spare moment i could.

Over the last few years i have found that the backlink is no longer as powerful as it was in the past and to survive and get better rankings we now need to add a lot more content to out sites than we did in the past.

Adding content to your site and learning to write goos copy is a much more pleasant task than the relentless stream of emails you need to send out in the past to get even a few confirmed backlinks to your site.

I have taken some time out od building sites to learn hot to write good copy and have even purchased some article manipulation tolls that speed up the process and generate good unique content.

One of the best tools have is a book i bought from a second hand book store which has taught me to write good and old fashioned copy and has also taught me the basics of correct grammar in the style it was taught in the past before we had the much used spellchecker which we all prize and utilize every day.

I have considered what constities good copy and integrated what i have learned with the modern lifestyle which is much shorter on time than 30 years ago when the book i bought was first published.

The modern attentian span is much shorter than it was in the past and i integrate this into my articles and writing by making the blocks of text a lot smaler than is reccommended in books of yesteryear and it is more or a bite size chunk now.

One of the things i do notice is that the modern reader and typer no longer needs to have the full amount of letters in the words and as an example you are now free to use m8 instead of mate which has been used for the last few decades.

About the Author

Mick is a Black Hat Seo and has been in business on the internet for over 4 years.
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