In Praise of Curiosity

During a family get-together, one of my favorite cousins and I caught up with each other's lives. Andrew works in Washington, DC (By the way, he's 28, single, handsome, and very sweet. Looking for a classy, conservative gal..). We were talking about business and technology when he said, "Mary Rose, you are into so much stuff! You have such a spirit of curiosity. I think that's just great."

I thanked him and said, "Andrew, to me it is the essence of staying young. When you're learning new things, you're growing and I never want to stop growing!" He smiled and agreed with me.

The trait of curiosity is one that can greatly affect a single person's opportunities in finding love. How interested are you in discovering new people, new places, new skills? When was the last time you took a class? Or when was the last time you visited a new group of people, such as a book club or a volunteer service?

I remember when I discovered contra dancing. A friend introduced me to this highly energetic and enormously fun style of dance. Because I loved to dance to anything from Big Band to House music, I quickly became addicted. Not only was this type of dancing very fun, it allowed me to socialize with a wide variety of people and turned out to be an excellent form of exercise! (Seriously