The Courage to Love

Although love is exploited and idolized in our culture, many still fear it. They want it, but they do everything to sabotage love from ever lighting upon their doorstep. Some use their intellect as a way to guard their hearts from anything so volatile and unpredictable as love. Others use their past wounds as justification for battening down the hatches.

Just before I met my husband, I had come to the conclusion that I was going to love anyway. I could have joined the club of Bitter Women Who Have Been Dogged Like a Flea Bitten Mutt, but I realized life is too short. I'm one of those types who love to love. Not everyone was open to someone like me, but you know what? Tough. I loved 'em, anyway. This meant opening my heart at least an inch in order to allow love to flow through.

I eventually learned to practice wisdom. I didn't want to love the psychopath, thinking my