
Psychics have extraordinary mental powers. They have a sixth sense or ESP (extra sensory perception) that enables them to look into the lives of people and predict future events. Derived from the Greek word psychiokos or psyche, which means soul or that which is mental, the word psychic is generally associated with fortune tellers and was first used by William Crookes, a chemist for describing Daniel Dunglas Home, a famous magician (1833-1886).

Psychics establish a soul connection or mental energy, which they use to know the past or future of another person or know what is happening or going to happen. Almost every person has some psychic abilities, though some have more. These people are more in tune with their body-mind-spirit connection. They can also relate to external forces like spirits or divine beings and take their help in solving problems or understanding the unknown. Divination arts like psychometrics, astrology, tarot, palmistry, telepathy, I Ching, and Necromancies like S