Everything Great Started As Somebody's Daydream

Dream about the future and act before it occurs.

The person with imagination is never alone and never finished. You were created for creativity. Your eyes are designed to look for opportunity, your ears listen for direction, your mind requires a challenge and your heart longs for the best way.

Make a daily command on your creativity. Everything great started as somebody's daydream. Successful people are first dreamers. The wonder of your imagination is this: it has the power to light its own fire. Ability is a flame, but creativity is a fire.

Originality sees things with fresh vision. Unlike an airplane, your imagination can take off day or night in any kind of circumstances. Let it fly!

Many times we act, or fail to act, not because of will but because of imagination. A person's dreams are an indicator of their potential greatness.

Grandmother saw Billy running around the house slapping himself and asked him why. "Well," said Billy, "I just got so tired of walking that I thought I'd ride my horse for a while." One day Michelangelo saw a block of marble that the owner said was of no value. "It is valuable to me," said Michelangelo. "There is an angel imprisoned in it, and I must set it free."

Other people may be smarter, better educated or more experienced than you, but no single person has an exclusive on dreams, desire and ambition. The creation of a thousand trees of opportunity spring from a tiny acorn of an idea.

A dream is one of the most exciting things there is. Your heart has eyes that the brain knows nothing of. You are more than an empty bottle to be filled. You are a candle to be lit. Light the fire of your imagination. Dare to dream. Get caught creating!

- John Mason, from the best-selling book Know Your Limits - Then Ignore Them (to check out this book further, please go to www.freshword.com/resources)

John L. Mason - EzineArticles Expert Author

John Mason is a national best-selling author, nationally recognized speaker and book coach.

He has authored fourteen books including An Enemy Called Average, Youre Born An Original-Dont Die A Copy, Let Go of Whatever Makes You Stop, and Know Your Limits-Then Ignore Them which have sold over 1.4 million copies and have been translated into twenty-five languages throughout the world.

"I have posted a special message for you to see on my website http://www.freshword.com In it I talk about right associations and the effect they can have on whether you succeed in life or not. Your best friends should bring out the best in you! If you are an author, or want to be, I have many resources specifically designed for you. Also, make sure to sign up for my Nugget of the Week - I would love to inspire you." - John Mason