Feng Shui Study

Feng Shui is relevant to any body. You can practice Feng Shui in any situation and living environment. Anyone who is interested in knowing about nature and is interested in improving the quality of life forself and others is sure to be benefited by Feng Shui study.

But before you take up the Feng Shui study it is important to know that there are many schools of Feng Shui and there are many variations that exist within each school. What ever school you might consider for your Feng Shui study, remember the basic principles and theories (Feng Shui elements, concept of yin and yang, Feng Shui Colors ) would remain the same but there can be some variation in the tools that are used for analysis and interpretations.

The following information provides you a brief introduction to various schools of Feng Shui:

Flying Star Feng Shui

Flying Star or Xuan Kong Feng Shui is the most advanced level of Feng Shui study, it adds a time dimension to a building's energy. The advanced Compass School also integrates the Eight House Theory to provide a comprehensive & professional analysis of a house.

Feng Shui study under this school enables you to predict the good times and the bad times from year to year, month to month and day