7 Tips for Complete Smoking Cessation

For many people quitting smoking is a goal that is all but unattainable. They try and try over and over and still seem to find themselves puffing on cigarette after cigarette. Perhaps they are over analyzing what they are doing wrong in their quest to kick the habit, or maybe they aren't being critical enough of their smoking cessation techniques. Whatever, the problem seems to be, there are millions of people that have managed to quit smoking for good using the following tips and advise.

1- For many people, there needs to be a strong sense of motivation to make going through the difficult phase of quitting smoking worth it. To make the reasons that you are quitting more "real", write them down on a list. Put the list EVERYWHERE, on your bathroom mirror, on your dashboard in your car, on your computer; basically, anyplace that you will see the reminder multiple times through out the day.

2- Everyone's reasons for wanting to quit smoking are unique. For some, it is health related, for others, it is their children, money or appearances. It doesn't matter what your motivation is, what matters is that the source of the motivation is strong enough to see you through the tough times ahead.

3- When you decide that you want to stop smoking, it is a good idea to arm yourself with the knowledge that you will need to make the transition from a smoker to a non-smoker successfully. One of the least expensive ways to gain a lot of information about smoking cessation is to purchase a highly recommended book. You can ask friends that have quit or your doctor what they recommend, they will tell you what worked for them and what didn't.

4- It is important to note that many people experience some withdrawal symptoms that can become very intense depending upon the person. Some of the symptoms to be aware of are:

Irritability, more so than normal

Having a dry mouth

Depression, this can be anywhere from mild to severe

These symptoms are due to the bodies craving of nicotine and will pass with time.

5- While you are experiencing nicotine withdrawals, it may be a good idea to chew a nicotine gum or to wear a nicotine patch. These particular products are designed to provide you with small, controllable doses of the drug. The theory is that these small doses will be enough to help you through the withdrawal symptoms. This may or may not work in your particular situation, but it is a good idea to try it, if you feel that you need extra help.

6- A very common technique that often helps with smoking cessation is to chew gum. This has helped countless smokers quit the habit for good. If, however, you do not like to chew gum, you may want to try hard candy or perhaps carrots. The point being that if your mouth is busy, you won't be so apt to feel the need for a cigarette.

7- As you progress further and further down the path of non-smoking you will begin to notice things such as, breathing becomes easier, you think more clearly, you don't get winded as quickly. Noticing these changes in your body will help to reach your desired outcome of being cigarette free for the rest of your life.

Visit http://stop-smoking-expert.info or http://stop-smoking-resources.info to learn more about smoking quit and smoking cessation.