What is Your CREATURE-SELF? KEY CONCEPTS About Maturity, Authenticity and Congruence


Here are several major psychospiritual concepts you should understand to get the most from the study of psychospiritual values and ethics and a satisfying life, in order to end the neurotic mind games we play to defeat others and ourselves.

THE CREATURE-SELF -- This is our primitive homosapien self that combines the emotionally driven, instinctive aspects of personality that so many use without thinking about them, with the philosophical, self-aware aspects of life that make us fully human. At the deepest level of our souls, we combine the psychological unconscious and the spiritual unconscious into our psychospiritual selves. The creature-self, the homosapien entity, I - Myself Alone, has both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde traits that must be mastered for life to become satisfying.

NARCISSISTIC GREED -- Healers as far apart philosophically as Sigmund Freud and Jesus of Nazareth agreed that each and every person suffers from a major character flaw. It is this -- all persons are programmed by nature to relive the Greek legend of Narcissus who was so enamored with his own beauty and brilliance that he destroyed himself. Each child instinctively wants the biggest piece of the pie -- all adults yearn for power, prestige, pleasure and possessions in order to prove our worth, to flaunt our superiority before others. For example, India