The Benefit Of Artificial Sweeteners

Many artificial sweeteners get a bad rap, however some recent research proves otherwise with some of them. Take Xylitol for instance. Xylitol is a truly amazing substance. In addition to its cavity-preventive qualities, one controlled study associated its use with a re-growth of dental enamel, in effect reversing and healing existing cavities. Another study showed that breast-fed children whose mothers chewed xylitol gum during their pregnancies had less cavities than children of mothers who had fluoride treatments.

And it doesn't end there. When it is used as an intranasal spray, xylitol can offer protection against ear and sinus infections by preventing bacteria from adhering to the cells lining the nose and sinuses. It also stimulates the body's drainage system in the back of the nose where bacteria often accumulate.

As well as some health benefits, sweeteners are essential for diabetics.

Over the past few years artificial sweeteners have been linked to cancer and other diseases. As the case with many things, new studies pop up on a regular basis which constantly contradict each other. The bottom line is, for many of us who enjoy a bit of sweetness, these sweeteners are the only alternative to the calorie heavy sugar which is in so many of our favorite treats.

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