Human Hibernation of Iranian Forces

Okay so the World Community does not want us to use tactical bunker buster nukes to prevent Iran and their radical fundamentalist regime, which sends insurgents into Iraq to kill US Troops and sponsors international terrorism; from getting nuclear weapons?

Okay fine, here is what we do; we use hydrogen sulfide gas in the right consistency and put half the region to sleep. It is not a chemical weapon, as it is a non-lethal chemical dispersion. Next day no one wakes up as they are all in dreamland of human hibernation just like the wild animals like teddy bears in their caves in the forests.

Next we send in special-forces to enter the underground facilities and destroy the enter atomic bomb making facility and nuclear war head research divisions, by way of force. When everyone wakes up and wonders what day it is, they will see they no longer have a nuclear weapons program to use to;