Glyconutrients Are only One Piece of the Puzzle...

I recently read a lengthy article on Glyconutrients. The author of the article (who shall remain nameless), incorrectly and falsely made statements about glyconutrients and cures.

The reality is that glyconutrients are GREAT; and they seriously help people that have compromised immune systems. Glyconutrients have the ability to feed our body at the cellular level. The end result of this is that your body acts and responds more efficiently. This means your body will naturally fight off and address current illnesses and ailments BETTER than if you did not take glyconutrients.

At this point in the research with glyconutrients, it is INCORRECT to make statements that glyconutrients heal. However, the research is far enough along that people who are battling auto immune disorders should SERIOUSLY consider taking glyconutrients.

My other beef with glyconutrient advertising is that it is NOT a silver bullet. There are many good things everybody should be doing for their bodies on a daily basis. These things are even more important when you are fighting a major autoimmune disorder.

For example, everybody should be doing the following:

  • Taking a good multivitamin
  • Drinking eight classes of water a day, preferably distilled.
  • Taking Co-enzyme Q10 and Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Taking Priobiotics
  • Taking a high quality Vitamin C

    Think about this. When your body is under stress; and it is failing to fight off a disease properly, wouldn't you want to give your body all the raw materials it needs to assist in the healing process? Glyconutrients are one MAJOR step in this process; but they are not the entire process.

    There are two very good websites on the internet that discuss and sell multi-vitamins and glyconutrients.

  • (best multi-vitamins on the mkt)
  • (best glyconutrient on the mkt)

    David Filer believes overall wellness is a synergistic approach that incorporates moderation into every aspect of your life. Sleep, stress reduction, diet, exercise, supplementation, and glyconutrients are all part of his personal wellness program.

    He has a very personal experience with 'cancer' in his family and uses the above program and encourages others to do so as well.

    You can find more information about David Filer at