Explanation of an Emotion

Love real, true, sad
Love real, true, bad
Love sure, false, blind
Love sure,false, kind

Love it is true yet it is sad
Love it is real yet it is bad
Love it can see yet it is blind
Love it can hurt yet it is kind

What is true about love for it so flows the water
from the great river of tears
And for it causes the bitter taste of life that is
so foul

A taste of life that is sweet in site
but bitter in the end
The tongue can taste such bitter foods
but it connot taste the bitternesby the feel of
an Emotion

Yet many people want to feel that emotion
For its sweet scent attracts the humming bees
to be invited to taste its nectar

Through thought I admit
I too am attracted to its sweet taste
It's bitterness seems to be ignorant till
the end

About the Author: Emotional at times She gives off the excest anxiety by writting poems. Most of the time she reads other people's poems for inspiration.

Source: www.isnare.com