7 IBS Treatment Tips

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects millions of people in the United States alone, for these people, living with this issue can be uncomfortable at best and debilitating in its worst moments. While there is no actual IBS treatment perse, there are methods that can be utilized to help manage the symptoms that are experienced. The following information will give you some ideas to choose from to put control of this disease, instead of the other way around.

1- Before you decide to use any type of alternative IBS treatment, it is important that you consult your physician. This is the only way to determine if you are healthy enough to forgo some of the drug treatments that are also available for your use. This is an important step whenever you are considering any type of major change to your current lifestyle.

2- In a recent, small, independent study, it was shown that 71% of the participants had a reduction of IBS symptoms when they began taking capsules of peppermint oil. It has long been passed down through generations that peppermint soothed an upset stomach and for some IBS sufferers, it alleviates their symptoms also.

3- Changing your diet to exclude animal products might also be a wise choice when thinking of IBS treatments to try. Many animal products, including milks, cheeses and meats are hard for the body to digest and can cause IBS symptoms to flare-up.

4- Stress can be a huge factor to consider when trying to control your IBS symptoms. Stress can do odd things to the human body and IBS is certainly one of them. It has been estimated that 60% of IBS patients benefit from hypnosis to lessen the stress of daily life. Many people also report a diminished stress level with the use of acupuncture; the lower stress level tends to lead to lower instances of IBS also.

5- Cutting foods that are known to cause gassiness is also an excellent way for many people with IBS to avoid some symptoms. For example, cutting the amount of broccoli, cabbage and some beans is a great IBS treatment option. Since gas is a large factor in much of the pain that is associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, anything that cuts the amount of gas is helpful in combating this painful condition.

6- There is also a growing group of IBS patients that rely on a weekly enema of water to help ease their IBS systems. While this may not be on the top of your personal list of IBS treatment options, it may be helpful to keep in the back of your mind for later.

7- As with anything, it is important for you to thoroughly research any of the above IBS treatment options. You need to know how they will affect your medical condition as well as your personal life. It might be wise to join a support group in your area also; this will put you in touch with other people who are also seeking IBS treatments.

Visit http://stop-irritable-bowel-syndrome.net or http://ibs-web.info to learn more about irritable bowel syndrome diet and what is ibs.