The Lazy Cook's Secret Ingredient

Have you ever found yourself wondering how to give a new lift to old favorites? Or worrying over how you can tempt those picky eaters?

Try keeping sheets of frozen puff pastry in the freezer.

Puff pastry is one of the most versatile, and at the same time one of the most overlooked, weapons in a cook's armory. It gets less exposure than it should because many people are nervous of using it. If you are one of those who tremble at the thought of getting it right, read on. You are about to become an expert.

Frozen puff pastry is one of the food industry's great success stories. From the cook's point of view it's easy to handle, requires no preparation and, even more to the point, it works every time.

On top of all that, it's versatile enough to be used in any number of ways, from making mini pizzas to decorating the lamb roast. There is practically no end to it's usefulness.

Take desserts, for example. Cut one sheet of thawed out pastry into four, place a spoonful of fruit in the center of each one, bring the opposite corners of the pastry together and crimp them between finger and thumb. Lightly glaze with an egg beaten in milk, top with half an apricot and a sprinkling of sugar and pop into an oven for 15 minutes at 200