The Debate on Public Prayer

The debate of prayer in public schools is a particularly heated one in which the opposing sides feel very strongly that they are in the right. Prayer in the public school system will be used as an example for the purpose of this article but it is not the only instance of public prayer that is often denied by state and federal laws. Christians, especially, come under attack for advocating for student guided prayer on a voluntary basis. They feel that as long as those who do not wish to pray are not being forced to do so, there is no reason why those who want to share in prayer services should be denied the right to do so. A number of legal issues such as separation of church and state and freedom of speech are often discussed in relation to the issue of public prayer. Those against prayer in the public school system argue that prayer in schools is tantamount to the government imposing prayer, and by extension religion, on the students while proponents of prayer in school argue that students who wish to pray are being denied their constitutional right of free speech.
