Take Powerful Mental Photographs

Imagine each thought you think as being a mental photograph. At first, nothing happens. Then after some time, the photo develops and presents an image. It is no longer a negative etched in your mind; it manifests as reality. The reality in this case: your outer circumstances.

The Content of Mental Photographs

Is thought actually that powerful? Yes it is. Our mental photographs reveal how we have viewed, judged, and reacted to the people and events in our lives. If we allow mental photos to develop, they display whatever we focused on, whether it was desirable or undesirable.

The Attraction Power of Thought

We need to be responsible with our thoughts, judgments, and views. When we focus our minds on circumstances that we don't want, we get more of those same circumstances. Before this happens, we can correct our focus and perspective. We can create a pleasing image of the beautiful possibilities all around us.

Choose Your Lens and Perspective

Zora Neale Hurston (1903 - 1960) suggested, "There is no single face in nature, because every eye that looks upon it, sees it from its own angle."

Life lets us choose our own lens and focus as we like. Our spiritual eyes are powerful. We can choose our perspectives and the amount of light to cast on any situation. No matter the season, circumstance, or obstacle, we can immediately change focus and alter the outcome.

See the Possibilities

Each season will bring its challenges. Yet we can also see its value and possibilities if we look from many angles. The result: a collection of images that tell a story