Breast Cancer Prevention: Lifestyle for Healthy Breasts

It has been estimated that by the year 2020, the number of women who get breast cancer may be as high as 1 in 5. That number is staggering. With the help of a "healthy breasts" lifestyle, you can defy those odds, and help to beat those ominous forecasted statistics. You can help change the future.

Chances are, if you are a woman, or even a man for that matter, you know someone or at least have an acquaintance who has either battled breast cancer, or succumbed to the disease. I am no different.

My Story?

I am 31 years old, and about eight years ago a very dear relative of mine, my aunt, passed away from complications directly related to breast cancer. About 3 years before her passing, she went to the doctor because of a lump in her breast. After going through several rounds of radiation and chemotherapy, we all thought she had beat the cancer and was going to enjoy a long healthy life.

After being in remission for about a year, the cancer returned with a vengeance. Before we knew it, the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, her back and her liver. She passed away, a shadow of her former self, and a very warm, brave and compassionate person was gone from our lives, just like that.

I wanted to share the story to convey the pressing importance that we take good care of our bodies, and our breasts, so we can help ensure our long, healthy stay here in this world.

Some Lifestyle Tips for Breast Cancer Prevention :

1.) Cut the unhealthy, saturated fats and substitute with healthy fats like olive oil. If you use butter, use organic butter. Actually, it's really best to buy all organic dairy products, since toxins like chemicals and pesticides tend to build up much more in animal fat - which is what dairy is made from, animal fat and biproducts.

2.) Cut out the underwire, push up, and tight-fitting bras. It has been speculated for years that more pressure on your breasts can result in more toxin buildup in the breast area, as well as agitate any tendencies toward tissue abnormalities. Wear looser fitting bras whenever possible. Even better, go braless when you don't need one.

3.) Moderate breast massage may be helpful in breast cancer prevention. Some studies have shown this practice to be therapeutic and speculation is that the massage helps free the breasts of toxins and improves circulation.

4.) Get plenty of antioxidants in your diet. Foods rich in antioxidants, which help defend against cancer-causing free radicals, are as follows:

a. Dark green leafy vegetables
b. Brightly colored fruits
c. Red Wine
d. Tomatoes
e. Garlic
f. Tea (especially green tea)
g. Berries

5.) Moderate exercise, or at least not having a sedentary lifestyle.

6.) Get organic foods whenever possible. The pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals and other general toxins that are in our food, our water and produce just seem to be getting worse. Many speculate the increasing number of cancer cases is partly to blame on the foods we eat and the water we drink. Also try to drink distilled or filtered water rather than spring or tap water.

7.) Smoking and drinking alcohol have both been shown to be possible risk factors, so it goes without saying what needs to be done if either of these habits are a regular part of your lifestyle.

We can never prevent any disease 100%, and it is true that breast cancer has also been linked to a hereditary factor. However, this doesn't mean we can't dramatically bump the odds in our favor and enjoy a disease free, cancer free life.

Visit Natural Breast Enhancement Guidefor more info on breast health, and general info on breast enhancement and beautification naturally. Danna Schneider is also the founder of MyBeautySpace Beauty Review Blog.