The 10 Commandments of Selling

Every successful entrepreneur must achieve a level of sales competence. Short of spending valuable capital on hiring sales professionals, there is no alternative. Selling is to business as fertilizer is to agriculture.

Nothing happens in a company until somebody sells something. There are natural born salesmen. However, with application, practice and determination, anyone can hone selling skills and develop a style compatible with their personality.

As an old sales manager, I have had the opportunity to work with every level of sales talent. A few were great: many were average, some were poor. The following is a list of the qualities and traits I have observed in every excellent sales person I have come in contact with:

1. Successful Sales People Have Passion for Selling and Their Product!
Passion can not be faked. It is not possible to be a success in sales without conviction that the product being sold is beneficial, important.

2. The Word