Are You a Business Seller; Do Not Forget to Give Your Customer Their Receipt!

The Federal Trade Commission is proposing new rules for business opportunities sellers and in this new set of proposed rules one of the new stipulations will be that business opportunities sellers must give their customer or a receipt.

Why is the Federal Trade Commission requiring this? Well, there have been cases of fraud where the buyer never got receipt and therefore could not prove that dated been ripped off. Meanwhile, there was no record of the transaction at all, no copy of the signed agreements in many cases and no way to get the buyer's money back. Sounds pretty shady to be. And this is why or rather this is one of the reasons why the FTC is also among many other new proposed changes requiring that business opportunities sellers give receipts to their customers.

Below is a copy of the proposed rule that the Federal Trade Commission is considering putting into the new regulations, which govern business opportunities sellers. If you are a business opportunities seller within you may wish to contact the Federal Trade Commission with any comments on this proposed rule change if this bothers you in any way.

The way I see it if you are an ethical practitioner this will not bother you, but all the other hand if you are less than ethical or even fraudulent this may cause you to want to leave the business opportunities sector in stop ripping people off. Here's the excerpt about receipts from the FTC report on the proposed rulemaking changes for business opportunities sellers;

Proposed section 437.3(a)(7): Receipt