Violent Video Games:Not Just A Threat To Our Kids !

There have many studies over recent years that violent video games have an adverse effect on our children. Now comes a new study which indicates the effects may not end as adulthood begins. The new study was conducted by Dr. Sonya Brady, now at the University of California, San Francisco, and Dr. Karen Mathews of the University of Pittsburgh.

Study participants were 100 male undergraduates, ranging in age from 18-21. The study found they were more likely to believe that it was ok to use marijuana, or drink heavily. They were also found to be more aggressive immediately following playing the game, and more likely to feel accused of cheating etc.

Playing violent games boosted the blood pressures of the participants. The researchers also found that the impact was greater on those who came from violent homes, or communities.

As parents whose job it is to prepare our children for adulthood these findings should disturb us. Our modern world is increasingly dangerous to people who are prone to confrontation. Heaven forbid both people involved just finished playing a violent video game. It also occurs to me that the study is indicating a decrease in the ability of the person playing the game to trust others. Anything that reduces trust in a relationship is a bad thing. Many in this same 18-21 age group are beginning marriages. A true marriage requires the largest possible degree of trust.

So obviously we have a problem so what do we do ? Freedom of expression is a reality in our democracy. People have a