Buying A Guitar

A guitar should be purchased with due care to avoid any problems with it in future. Identifying a good instrument is an important guitar lesson.

Should you purchase a new or an old instrument? You should consider purchasing an old instrument only if you trust the source. The sound quality of musical instruments generally improves with playing, which is a plus point for an old instrument. You can also get it at a lower cost unless it is an antique piece or some other value is attached to it. But there may be mechanical damage in the guitar which is not easily detectable. You have to really use your judgment. When in doubt, go for a new one. You can get a warranty for a period in a new guitar, but you will not have this comfort in old instrument.

New guitars may be mass-produced or custom made. The mass-produced instruments will be less expensive. Custom made guitars come in wide price range depending upon the material, skill and effort put into their construction. You can use one rule of thumb in deciding which one to buy