Do Copper Peptide Hair Treatments Really Work?

During the Second World War, doctors noticed that patients with severe burns or burn scars had a better chance of scar removal if hair follicles began growing at the edges of the burned area. If not, the odds were the scars would remain.

It was determined that new skin cells were being grown in the hair follicles and migrating to the surround damaged skin. From that, the next step was to link skin repair and hair growth.

It would take many years for researchers to determine the role copper played in this process. It was eventually discovered that copper peptides stimulated healing of wounds and also increased the size of hair follicles at the wound's edges.

Hair loss has many causes. Among the most common are: the production of DHT, which is responsible for male pattern baldness: progressive shrinking of hair follicles as we age: diminished blood supply to the hair follicles: damage due to hair treatments, overheating, dying, etc: free radicals, especially from iron: inflammation around follicles due to autoimmune responses: and decreased subcutaneous fat in the scalp.

Researchers determined that the copper solutions applied to the scalp increased follicle size: rebuilt the blood supply to damaged follicles: increased melanin synthesis, necessary to keep hair from turning white: increased subcutaneous fat below the scalp, needed to produce thick healthy hair: lengthened the hair growth phase: inhibited the formation of DHT: repaired scalp damage; healed inflammation: and caused the scalp to thicken.

This all leads to a healthy head of hair.

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